Friday, June 18, 2010

ICTHUS 2010 - Skate Love Ministry Nicholasville (Chris Wise, Frankie Fehsenfeld), Skate Church Lexington (Gavin Duerson, David Wu) and Half Cab Skateshop (Kyle McMillion and Family) took Icthus up on an offer to build a skate park for the event. Within one week we somehow received donations of materials, finances and labor to build a spine, 3 quarters, a slanted ramp, and wall ride. Along with David and Andrew's boxes and Kyle's mini, we had a skatepark. Cosmic hosted a demo, high ollie contest and game of skate yesterday. Here is where the Herald Leader got Micah doing a stalefish (second shot in the slideshow).

Thursday, June 03, 2010

HOT NEWS -- through the efforts of Chris Wise (Nicholasville) and Gavin Duerson (FCA director/skate church Woodland) we have gotten permission to have a mini ramp and other skate stuff at the Ichthus Music Festival in Wilmore!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Leonard and Micah at Lawrenceburg, KY from David Wu on Vimeo.

Had to go back to Lburg -- took Leonard with us. He ripped. Skated, drank water, skated, played disc golf. Leonard lost my disc, went into the woods and came out with an even nicer disc.